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The British Bullmastiff League was formed in 1925 it was then called "The Midland Bull And Mastiff Club". As the breed progressed the name was changed to the "British Bullmastiff League" to reflect a National basis as this was the only club that promoted the Bullmastiff as a pure breed at that time.

The roots of the society were firmly planted in the Midlands area and as regional clubs developed, the League maintained its base of operations in the Midland area. The British Bullmastiff League has always been recognised as the premier club in the UK, and over the last decade the number of dogs exhibited at the British Bullmastiff League shows have been the highest in the UK. The record entry for any show was achieved at the British Bullmastiff League Champ Show in 1998 a total of 277 dogs.

Eminent breeders that have been members of the British Bullmastiff league over the 75 years are Mr Mosley (Farcroft) Mr Toney (of CH Roger of the fens fame) Mr & Mrs Short (Bulstaff) Mt F Turnbull (Turnbull) Mr T Avery (Babcock) Mr Cook (Fenchurch) Mr C Leeke (Bulmas) Mr J Higginson (Stanfell) Mr J Price (Lombardy Mr & Mrs Collias (Oldwell) just to name a few.

Most of the above have been officers or committee members of the BBL and have donated cups and trophies that can be won at the BBL shows. The cups are valued today at over £13,000 and are held for a 12 month period.

Sir Gordon Richards donated a silver cup to the League and the famous British actor Richard Todd was the patron of the BBL from 1967 to 1972 and he and his family attended the shows.