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68 Dogs, 75 Entries, 22 Absentees

I had a wonderful day and would like to thank each and everyone of you for giving me the opportunity to examine your dogs, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of most of the dogs, but more especially the youngsters, my first and second in both junior dog and junior bitch along with the best puppy dog and best puppy bitch were in my opinion of superior quality. This must bode well for the future of this wonderful breed. On the downside, there is little point in breeding or owning good quality stock if they are going to be presented in an unfit condition, never have I so many unfit dogs, down on pasterns with splayed feet and in many cases I struggled to find the point where rib cage ended and the loin began. What I do find unacceptable is however is to find myself grooming the dog whilst examining it, it only takes 5 minutes with a brush or comb to make your dog presentable. My thanks to my stewards for all their hard work and indeed to all the committee members for making the show such a success.

MINOR PUPPY DOG (7) 4 shown - 3 absent

1stTalbadan Scotty too Hotty7 months brindle showing lots of promises, good head shape and length of muzzle, ears well set, dark eyes, giving desired expression, front straight and developing nicely, well placed shoulders, shorts back, good width of thigh, still a bit bum high but moved well enough
2ndAstonpride TrojanAstonpride Trojan, 6 months fawn puppy, again another pup showing lots of promises, head developing correctly, teeth good, nice dark eye, good ear placement, front straight, feet right, shoulders correct, moved really well, still only a baby with plenty to come
3rdSerirnos Mr Bombastic Forevergreen
RESRewba Lords are Leaping

PUPPY DOG (5) 4 shown - 1 absent

1stDajoxx ce la vie11 months red dog, big powerful puppy with ring presence, head of correct proportions, good muzzle length, excellent bite, well placed eyes and ears, straight front, good pasterns, tight feet, excellent shoulder placement, short coupled, good width of thigh, all in all excellent conformation, floated round the ring, well handled and presented, B.P.I.S
2ndKabryns talos the titan11 months red dog, not so mature as 1, but coming along nicely, head developing ok, good width in front, chest well let down, shoulders correct, well ribbed, movement ok.
3rdCarreg Cennen Lord
RESTalbadan Shooting Star

JUNIOR DOG (8) 7 shown - 1 absent

1stCasameyer Dark Saxon of CopperfieldBrindle dog of 13 months, showing enormous potential, terrific headpiece square from all angles, dark eyes, ears set on correctly, front straight as a die, good depth of chest, excellent tight cat feet, neck flows into correctly made shoulders, good depth of brisket, ribs developing correctly, short straight back, short coupled, good width of thigh, moved with drive and purpose expertly presented and handled, B.I.S
2ndDajoxx Dr PepperAnother absolutely cracking dog, red dog of 16 months, showing most of the virtues of 1st, lovely head of correct shape and size, typical bullmastiff expression, good mouth, best of fronts, nice length and arch of neck, excellent shoulder angulation, well ribbed, short coupled, very good movement, close call between 1&2
3rdRicci Westwood Ranger
RESCojovan Waydell Warrior
VHCZaviera's Applejon High Hope

SPECIAL YEARLING DOG (7) 4 shown - 3 absent

1stCasameyer Dark Saxon of CopperfieldSAME AS ABOVE
2ndFlintstock BeauxsonUpstanding fawn dog of good type, well proportioned broad head, dark eye, ears correctly placed, straight front, good shoulder placement, shot coupled, not the movement of 1.
3rdBullhar Taye at Magnorfortis
RESOceans Surrender

POST GRADUATE DOG (7) 5 shown - 2 absent

1stStoneglad Rocket man of BenzakRed dog of 22 months, head developing well, front ok, shoulder placement good, well ribbed, excellent width of thigh, movement ok, difficult dog to assess would benefit from ring training.
2ndJomijade Romulus EquinoxRed dog of 29 months, good type of dog, head square, straight front, short coupled, moved ok.
3rdJbzee Redi-to-go at Rici
RESBullhar Taye at Magnorfortis
VHCStoneglad Madness

LIMIT DOG Dog (7) 6 shown - 33 absent

1stStoneglad TravisUpstanding fawn dog of 22 months, excellent square head, showing wrinkle when interested, dark eye, correct ear placement, good bite, good front, pasterns and feet, strong arched neck, well placed shoulders, short back, level Topline, well ribbed, short coupled, good width of thigh, moves well, R.B.D
2ndFlintstock Easy Does it at TalbadanDog I have oftern admired from the ringside, brindle dog just over 3 years, good honest dog with no exaggerations, square head, not overdone or over wrinkled, lovely expression, good straight front, excellent shoulders, good rid development, short coupled, moves extremely well, not at his usual level of fitness today
3rdZapheno Glyath

OPEN DOG (4) shown - 2 absent

1stJbzee RoccofellaSubstantial brindle dog of 5 years, good head piece, dark eye, good ear placement, straight front, tight feet, shoulder ok, well ribbed, slightly longer cast than I prefer, moved well.
2ndTaurleone Regolamento JWWell known 3 year fawn dog, square head, good eye and ear placement straight front good depth of chest, well placed shoulders, well ribbed, short coupled, moved very well.

VETERAN DOG (0) 0 shown - 0 absent

MINOR PUPPY BITCH (9) 9 shown - 0 absent

1stWilbullstaff Dana PrincessWilbullstaff Dana Princess, 8 month fawn puppy, very feminine bitch who is devolping well, correct head proportions for age, nice dark eye, good ear set, straight front, good feet, nice arch of neck, shoulder angulation correct, short coupled, moved very well.
2ndGraecia ledaSubstantial fawn puppy, lovely head, beautiful expression, dark eye, correct ear set, straight front, good feet, niec arch of neck, shoulder angulation correct, short coupled, moved very well.
3rdGarmondsway callinda at moorbull
RESTalbadan Copper Top at Zanshin
VHCTalbadan Triplex at Magnafortis

PUPPY BITCH (3) 2 shown - 1 absent

1stDajoxx Ohh La LaAnother Cracking Bullmastiff from this kennel so consistent in type and comformation, sister to best puppy dog and many of the remarks apply, correct head proportions, good front and feeet, so well balanced, good width of thigh, moved with drive and ease, presentation first class, just preffered her brothers overall confromation for best puppy, B.P.B.
2ndLiley Lou of FlintstockLovely typical bitch of 10 months, developing well, good make and shape of head with dark eye and well set ears, excellent straight boned front. Good feet, correct shoulder placement, ribbing up well, movement good.

JUNIOR BITCH (7) 6 shown - 1 absent

1stCojovan Lily Clee at Carminwayfawn of 16 months, what a lovely bitch she is, beautiful feminine head of correct proportions, lovely dark eyes so well placed giving that typical expression, good front with correct width, well developed arched neck, excellent shoulder placement, well ribbed, short couple, moved well, forgave her the fact that she was in soft condition, as I thought so highly of her. R.B.B.B.
2ndTorreybloom Solo Stellafawn bitch of just over 13 months, so unfortunate to meet1, another cracking bitch with all the attributes required, sturdy and substantial with good square head, eyes dark and correctly placed, ears well set, good front with plenty of width, good pasterns and feet, correctly placed shoulders, rib developing well, in good condition, moved well, presentation first class.
3rdBrynfaw Numero Uno Via Jaynos
RESMiss Lady Marmalade of Urbandream
VHCJbzee Joire De Vive

SPECIAL YEARLING BITCH (4) 3 shown - 1 absent

1stBramarley Paloma of Carothanfawn bitch of just over 18 months, nice, feminine bitch of good size and substance, correct head properties with desired expression, straight front, nice tight feet, good shoulder placement, ribbing up ok, moved well, in good condition.
2ndBullhar Kierasubstantial red bitch of 19 months, head of correct proportions, straight front, well ribbed, moved ok.

POST GRADUATE BITCH (4) 2 shown - 2 absent

1stStoneglad Solitairered bitch of 21 months, lovely bitch of substance yet so feminine, head square with correct amount of wrinkle, eyes dark, ears well set, typical expression, striaght front, good feet, correct shoulder angulation, well ribbed, short coupled, moved well, liked her a lot
2ndJenmore Sugar and Spice at Magnafortisfawn bitch few days out of junior, nice type of bitch, lovely head of correct proportions, good front, moved ok, not the substance of 1

LIMIT BITCH (4) 3 shown - 1 absent

1stForever Green Bright Starred bitch of 3 years, square head of correct proportions, dark eye, straight front, good shoulder placement, rib well developed, short coupled, moved well.
2ndOptimus Chantilly at Patchingsfawn bitch of 2 years 9 months, well proportioned square head, typical expression, good front and feet, shoulders ok, longer in couplings and not the movement of 1.
3rdSundabish Gloria

OPEN BITCH (5) 62 shown - 3 absent

1stFlintstock Lady in Redas the name implies red bitch of 3 years, beautiful bitch of good size, with the very rare combination of substance with elegance and femininity, classical head correct from all angles, dark eye, typical expression, straight front with good width, pasterns and feet excellent, strong arched elegant neck, well angulated shoulders, well ribbed up, excellent width of thigh, one of the best movers on the day, fit, expertly handles and presented. B.B & R.B.I.S
2ndDajoxx Coco Locoanother top quality bitch just over 2 years. sound and well constructed, head of correct proportions, dark eye, ears well set, excellent front, feet and shoulders good rib devolvement, short coupled, good width of thigh, movement so fluent, could hold her own in any company, thought 1st was exceptional.

VETERAN BITCH (0) 0 shown - 0 absent